Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Thoughts on 2007: National Treasure 2

The way I classified the first film was simple: everything about it was just barely good enough to be considered good. Speaking in blockbuster terms, it had a good story, good pacing, good acting, good good good. Thus it proved extremely likable. It's the equivalent of your favorite non-bowel offensive junk food. It goes down easy and stays that way. I imagine stayed away from it for so long because it was a Bruckheimer, Disney, da vinci/indy rip off and it starred Nicholas Cage's hair. I finally came around under a good recommendation from trusted sources. I watched it and it was fun. So I ended up finally getting a chance to see the sequel National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets and Other Artifacts Hidden in Remarkably Famous Landmarks this weekend. More of the same only you notice a few more glaring plot holes and wasted energy. Once again nothing particularly stood out as groan inducingly awful and nothing really bothered me. I just get the intense feeling the writers wrote a section and forgot about it later on. You know, lots of moving from point A to B without re-involving what came before. Plus I'm pretty sure Ed Harris had the most confusing character motivations I've ever seen. That's usually why bad guys get the "bad guy" tag and stick with it.

I imagine I'll see National Treasure 3 as well.

Recommendation: Unless your unable of experience joy, see the first, see the second, see the rest... hell, just give Disney your money.

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