Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Thoughts on 2007: Margot at the Wedding

I'm not going to launch to much into this one because it's far enough post-release and will probably save that for the release of Noah Baumbach's next film. There's certainly a good deal to talk about. I more just want to say that this film is one those that I have a middling to lukewarm reaction to and then find myself defending it more and more when someone criticizes it... often unfairly.

The major reason for dislike seems to be Margot herself. She's intensely unlikable to a good deal of people (who I imagine all had wonderful, supportive mothers). I'm one of those people and that was my instinctual reaction as well. But let's iterate that that does not make her unrealistic, which is what lots of people seem to be doing. I saw Margot as a fascinating puzzle of a person.

Maybe they just don't like Nicole Kidman.
... or Jack Black's ass.

Recommendation: test yourself. love it or hate it it will be a good experience for you.

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