Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thoughts on 2007: The Lookout

Raise your hand if you didn't see this movie? Pretty much everyone? Okay.

To qualify my positive response to The Lookout, I have to first state my substantial appreciation for well scripted, economical movies. What does that mean? That's kind of it's own essay, but it essentially means a film that 1) constantly moves forward with narrative and character and 2) refrains from unnecessary diversions. That kind of sounds vague, but I know it when I see it damnit. This film was sharp and focused. Between The Lookout and Brick, Joseph Gordon Levitt is becoming a damn serious actor and he deserves it (though supposedly he's Cobra Commander in the new GIJoe movie... what the fuck?). Jeff Daniels is keeping his streak of excellent, spot on, and highly entertaining work. Isla Fisher did a whole bunch with a well written, though smart The most surprising aspect of the film? Of all people, the impossibly dashing and austere Matthew Goode played the central thug who suckers our protagonist into the bank heist. I'm convinced this performance is what got him Ozymandias in WATCHMEN (Note: I know the roles aren't similar at all, I'm talking about depth here).

While most films have become obsessed with their own gimmick (IE premise). This has been especially true of independent movies which totally sucks. The Lookout takes it's gimmick bound premise, a memory challenged accident victim participating in a robbery, and grounds it in reality. By bringing character to the forefront that premise becomes mere background and a surprisingly sensible one at that. Hence the honest result.

Recommendation: High.

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