Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thoughts on 2007: The Assassination of Jesse James by The Coward Robert Ford

This is a perfect example of a movie that makes a 100% commitment. It's hauntingly beautiful, has complicated and breathtaking performances, and has long stretches of sparse storytelling. That last thing may be what does it in for some people. It seems people's tolerance for sparseness is exceptionally low these days. Plus nobody saw this movie.

That's what we call "a shame". Brad Pitt does his best work here since... um... help me out. 12 Monkeys? Fight Club? Patch Boomhauer on King of the Hill? Either way. His Jesse James is a rather interesting creation. Most notably, he's so incredibly self aware. Of his own past, demons, violence, perception in society. It's utterly fascinating. Paul Schneider shines as the charismatic pretty boy of the gang. Sam Rockwell and Sam Shepard do more of their ever dependable work.

But on to the revelation... Casey Affleck. The dude has had a hell of a year. Oceans 13 was fun pretty much solely because of him. He supposed rocks the boat in Gone Baby Gone. But most of all, there is this. He got a nod for his work here and it was very well deserved. He's incredible. The character is immediate. Vibrant. He exhibits slow transformations with a single scene. Ultimately, he makes our titular "coward" an empathetic tragedy.

There's so much to talk about... I just had to say some bits and scraps. I can't wait to see what else director Andrew Dominik will do.

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